
Auxiliary Verbs

Auxiliary Verbs

How We Apply Auxiliary Verbs in Sentences

Auxiliary Verbs have a significant role in making English sentences. They are also known as helping verbs that are used along with main verbs which can provide additional meaning that is not served by the main verbs. 

Auxiliary Verbs comprise to be: am/is/are/was/were/been/being, do/does/did, have/has/had.

In addition to, those following can be parts of them as well: can/could, will/would,may/might, shall/should, must/have to/had to/ought to which are also renowned as Modal Auxiliaries.

to be

To be functions as a helping verb when a sentence doesn't have a verb besides being used also in Passive Voice.

Here are the examples of their uses:

- He is watching TV.
- We are teaching you about helping verbs.
- Small fish are eaten by big fish.
- He was killed in the war.
- The agencies were completing the inventories.
- I will be seeing him soon.
- He had only been trying to help.
- The house is being painted.


We use both of them in Simple Present Tense (-,?) when a sentence doesn't have a verb. Besides, we can also use both in positive sentences if we would like to give the press and to avoid repeating the main verbs as in below:

- Do you like bananas?
- I don't feel like going out tonight.
- Where do you live?
- Don't forget to write.
- It doesn't matter if you win or lose.
- He speaks faster than she does.
- I do understand.

How about did?

Similar to both above, we use did when a sentence doesn't have any verbs in Simple Past Tense.


I didn't come there last night.
Did you come there last night?
I did tell you about it, didn't I?

Instead, we usually use the verb 2 for third example above. So the sentence can be also written as: I told you about it last night, didn't I? 


We use have along with the main verbs used in Perfect sentences as Present Perferct Tense, Present Perfect Continuous Tense and Past Perfect Tense.

- I have completed my work.
- She has acted in a film.
- They had forgotten to send the letter.
- Our guests have arrived.
- Has anyone phoned?
- I hadn’t seen him for fifteen years.
- Someone should have predicted these complications.

Besides, all Auxiliary Verbs can also function as main verbs to relate Subjects and Non-Verbs and be used together Continuous Verbs as seen below:

- She is a good musician
- They were here last week
- She has been there many times
- She is talking now

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